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CigarsCigarettes's avatar

Awaiting Spring



***WOOOOOOT!!! I know I'm so slow...but this baby got featured in EQD Drawfriend Stuff #774 [link] :la: ***

EDIT: Wow...I didn't expect such a positive reaction to this artwork...I'm really so happy! Thank you all! I try to thank everybody personally, since it's my first artwork with such popularity, but I can't keep track of everyone, nonetheless I'm very thankfull to each and everyone of you. Kisses! ♥

So before I disappear again for a while I wanted to upload this.
Hopefully next time I will be able to do the rest of the mane 6 :D
But this was just a quick piece to cheer myself up...and now back to real work T_T

. . .

I can't wait for Spring to finally come! It should be a long time ago here, but I still see snow everywhere! gah!
AJ (oh how I love her) apprently can't wait also. Or is she waiting for something else? Or somepony else? ♥
The apple trees should start blooming soon.

This reminds me of my grandparents apple orchard and how lovely it looks when the trees bloom.
Also poppies - couse' AJ is a wild country beauty like theese little guys :D

I think I only ever seen one more AJ with poppy flowers? [link]
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1571x1639px 2.4 MB
© 2013 - 2024 CigarsCigarettes
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StreetLightsAtNight's avatar
I know this artwork is old, but it's absolutely lovely. <3 Apple jack is my favorite pony, and I love seeing art work of her. ^^